We Need Your Help Wrapping Diapers!
Friday, June 17, 5:30 – 6:30 pm @ 1425 S Houser St
Pastor Aleese received a phone call from the Community Diaper Bank and they are looking for volunteers to help wrap diapers THIS coming Friday. Diapers come in huge boxes of hundreds of diapers, and those diapers need to be repackaged into packages of 25 to distribute to individuals and families.
Because of the last minute notice, we are also asking members at Grace to hop on board with us. If you are available to help, please contact Pastor Aleese as soon as possible. Thanks for pitching in to do God’s work with your hands!
Vacation Bible School
Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14
Join us as a participant or as a helper!
Dates: July 10-14
Note that our last evening is open to entire families!
Location: Zion (Sunday – Wednesday), Grace (Thursday)
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm (meal included)
Grades: PreK – grade 6
On behalf of the planning team, we truly hope that this event will be a chance for all people – across generations and across denominations! – to learn about God’s story of love and join in fellowship together. Register by July 1. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.
Panda Express Fundraiser
Sunday, June 19
We have one more Panda Express fundraiser scheduled for this summer! Get your Chinese food fix and help support our youth! Reminder, there is a new code each time so pick up a form in the narthex or use this one.
Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups
Looking for a group of people to grow in faith and in relationship with others?
Over the past few years, we have offered various committed faith formation groups like Alpha and our Wednesday evening Family Faith Night Adult group. From those groups, it’s become apparent that many in our Lutheran congregations in Muscatine (along with other community members!) are seeking a regular opportunity to deepen thier relationship with God.
Looking to the fall of 2022, we are excited to offer a “menu” of possible adult faith formation groups. These groups would be open to people from Shepherd, Grace, Zion, and the community. Some of these groups may meet during our traditional Family Faith Night time (Weds from 6:30-7:30pm) and some groups may meet outside that time.
Interested to take a closer look at what is being offered? Take a look at the “Adult Faith Formation Group Menu” to get a full description of each group. Then, use the summary page to more easily compare each group. Think you might be interested in a group? Respond via the Google Adult Faith Formation Group Interest form link by July 1. Later in July we will host an interest meeting to share more information. Questions? Contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese.
Spruce Up Sunday
Following worship on Sunday, June 26
It’s finally here! It’s time to start moving larger items out to the shed! And while we’re packing up stuff that is only used occasionally, lets spruce up our building! Join us for worship in your “NOT Sunday best” apparel and stick around to help check some things off our list of tasks. Not able to be there that Sunday? Our “To Do” list is in the narthex. Sign up and finish at your convenience. Questions? Contact Kathy Dunham.
Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!
Jesus is going to have a busy summer by the looks of it! We’ve already received some pictures of where flat Jesus has been adverture-ing, and we hope to see more pictures come in throughout the summer! Print off your copy of “flat Jesus” (or pick up a copy in the narthex) to take with you wherever you’re at this summer. Then, bring your pictures to the church to add to our bulletin board or send them to Kathy. You might even see your picture as a part of our Sunday morning slideshow! Let’s see all the places Jesus is going with you, our Shepherds, this summer!

Outdoor Worship and Ice Cream Sundae Fellowship!
Sunday, July 17
Join us for a chance to worship in God’s creation! You bring your lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest. A tent will be set up to help provide shade.
Following worship, stick around for an ice cream sundae fellowship hour. This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to one of the local organizations that our Stewardship Team has been highlighting this summer.