Panda Express Youth Fundraiser
Sunday, May 15
Get your Panda Express fix this weekend! Order online or go there and help support our youth group.
Here’s what you need to do:
- order food (eat in/order online) at Panda Express on May 15
- present our coupon code: 334977
- enjoy your food and watch SOTC Youth get fundraising dollars!
Please make sure to use this month’s coupon code. Each month the code changes. For more information, and for a page that reminds you of our fundraising code, bookmark this page. Questions? Talk to Leslie Eichelberger.
Interested in a Camp Out @ SOTC this Summer?
In previous years, we’ve hosted a camp out on SOTC grounds. Remembering how much fun it was, it’s been suggested to have a campout again this summer!
If you’re interested in participating (or even joining us for a bonfire and games night), please fill out this form by Tuesday, May 17 so we can set up a date. Thanks!
Mairet Farms Fundraiser
Looking for some fresh produce this summer? Consider being a part of the Mairet Farms CSA bag program and receive fresh, local produce for six weeks! Starting July 11, you’ll receive a bag of produce each week.
Better yet? By participating, SOTC will receive a portion of these proceeds!
Interested? Complete the order form. Paper copies are also in the SOTC narthex. Thanks for your support!
Can You Help Find Where Jesus is Hidden?
Each Sunday through June 5
For the past two Sundays, we’ve been playing a little game on Sunday morning with our kids! Each week during the season of Easter, our Jesus figure will be hidden somewhere in the sanctuary. Kids are invited to look for Jesus, but to keep it a secret! Then, tell Pastor Aleese where you found it. She’ll be keeping a tally of who’s found Jesus each week. Make plans to join us this weekend for worship!

Special Invitation to Final Family Faith Night
Wednesday, May 18, 6:30pm @ Grace
To close out the Family Faith Night year, we will be celebrating the confirmation of youth completing thier confirmation sequence. We do not have any confirmands from Shepherd this year, but Grace is excited to confirm 4 of their youth. So as to include leaders and families who have been a part of the joint Family Faith Nights throughout this year, Grace has elected to host confirmation on a Wednesday evening rather than during Sunday morning worship.
Whether you’ve been a part of Family Faith Night or not this year, consider yourself invited to join us as we witness the faith of our young people and as we are collectively sent to be Christ’s disciples into the world. We’ll have a short worship service at 6:30pm followed by a dessert reception.
Hymn Festival with Organ and Choir
Thursday, June 16, at 7:30pm
Wesley United Methodist Church will be hosting a Hymn Festival with Organ and Choir. Tom Trenney will be leading this free event. The choir will be singers from the Muscatine area. If you are interested in singing contact Wesley music director Dan Laaveg. Whether interested in singing, or simply enjoying the music, all in the community are invited! For more information, visit Wesley’s music page of thier website.
Vacation Bible School
July 10-14, 5:30-8:00
Mark your calendars now! This summer, SOTC is excited to join with 6 other congregations to provide an opportunity for kids to experience God’s love and have some fun all at the same time! We will be collaborating with Zion Lutheran, Grace Lutheran, First Presbyterian, Trinity Episcopal, First Christian and Faith United Church of Christ.
VBS is open to all kids PreK-grade 6. VBS will be hosted at Zion Lutheran July 10-13 and the final night will be hosted at Grace Lutheran so as to provide time outside. ALL families are invited to join us for the final evening! A meal will be provided each night.
Questions? Contact Melissa Booth.
Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly
May 20-21
Each year, the synod gathers for an assembly for the purposes of attending to the business of the synod, creating networking opportunities for rostered and lay leaders, and providing a space for worship and spiritual renewal. This year, Mackenzie and Nick Gilbert will be attending as voting members along with Pastor Aleese.
Portions of the assembly will be livestreamed on the Southeastern Iowa Synod’s Facebook page. Looking for more information of what is coming before the synod this year? Check out the landing page for the synod assembly.
Later in May/June, the congregation will receive a report of key actions of the assembly. Please hold the synod in your prayers in the coming weeks!