RAGBRAI Pie Sale is a Wrap!
Thank you to all who baked and volunteered!
Thanks to your help, and the help of 10 other local congregations, $7095 was raised to direct back to our Muscatine congregations. $1305 will come back to SOTC!
Over and over, RABGRAI riders noted how impressed they were with the spread of pie and the hospitality of Muscatine. Thank you for being a witness of living together as one faith community in Muscatine and a witness of hospitality!

United Way Community Wide School Supply Drive
July 31 – August 4; Drop off at MCSA
The United Way of Muscatine is collecting school supplies for students in Muscatine County. If you’re out shopping, grab some needed supplies and take ’em to MCSA! Supplies will be distributed to students within Muscatine county.

Are You a Thrivent Member?
As we look to the Family Faith Night year, we are aiming to secure funding so that meals are either free, or at low cost, to our families. To make that happen, we are hoping to rely on Thrivent grants through action teams.
If you are a Thrivent member and have grants remaining for the year, contact Stacey Ramos (Zion) via email or cell phone (563-571-0363) for more specific instructions. She can help you through the process. Thank you in advance!
Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism for Elyse Eichelberger
Sunday, August 13
After two years of participation in the middle school group as a part of Family Faith Night, Elyse is ready to confirm her faith in the Triune God and affirm the promises of her baptism! Be sure to join us on Sunday, August 13 as we witness Elyse’s confession of faith and celebrate her as a fellow sibling in the body of Christ!
Big Questions Adult Course
Beginning September 2023
Have you ever had questions about faith, but haven’t felt comfortable voicing them? Or, have you ever felt as though there wasn’t a place in the church to ask your questions?
Big Questions is a group that will explore common, yet complex, questions of faith and life. Examples of questions we’ll consider are: Why do bad things happen? What happens when I die? What is truth and how do I know what is true? As we continue throughout the year, questions addressed in our sessions will be determined by the questions of participants.
To honor the complexity of the questions named, Big Questions will not offer simple, pat-answers. Rather, through instruction, conversation, Scripture, and formative spiritual practices, the intent of Big Questions will be to explore the truths that shape our questions and the beliefs we carry, while also leading each of us to a faith that is more solid and richly personal.
Want to learn more about this group? Click here to get a fuller picture. Ready to sign up as a participant? Sign up online or in the narthex.
Blessing of Backpacks and Distribution of Bibles
Sunday, August 27
We’re sending our kids – and adults! – back into the school year routine with a blessing! Bring your school backpack (or your work bag!) to worship on Sunday, August 27 and we’ll have a special blessing during the kids’ sermon. Kids/youth who are 3 years old, entering 3rd grade, and entering our middle school/confirmation program will also receive Bibles.
God’s Work Our Hands Day of Service
Sunday, September 10
God’s Work Our Hands is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA – one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor.
To join the whole church, SOTC will be participating in a service project (likely with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine). Stay tuned for more information, and if you’d like to help plan what happens, talk with Melissa Booth!