Welcome to the Carter’s, Sullivan’s, and Passmore’s!
A hearty welcome to Chris, Kirsten, Travis, Jill, Aden, Dwight, and Judy! We officially welcomed them during worship this past Sunday and our young adults/families with kiddos gathered for a night of fellowship later Sunday evening. Welcome to the flock, friends!

Chocolate Fest!
Sunday, February 27
In true Shepherd tradition, we will be hosting Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, February 27. This tradition started years ago as “one last chance” to eat all the chocolate/sweets you want before heading into the season of Lent (see below for more information). Whether you’re thinking about giving something up for Lent or not, make sure to join us for an assortment of all things chocolate! All members are invited to bring something to share for our fellowship hour.
Lent is Coming!
Soon and very soon, we will be launching into the season of Lent. Out theme for this season is “Full to the Brim.” Our hope this Lent is to invite you into God’s abundant and expansive grace, just as you are. Later this week we hope to share more about our theme and other plans for our life together, but for now, note the following details and dates:
Ash Wednesday Worship
Ash Wednesday begins our Lenten journey on Wednesday, March 2. Join us for worship at 7:00 pm
Lenten Midweek Meals and Worship
Starting Wed, March 9, our schedule will be:
5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service
Willing to help provide food for a meal? We need you! We’re looking for teams of 5 people per Wed to provide, serve, and clean up a meal. Each group of people will determine what they would like to serve. Sign up here or on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Questions re meals? Contact Colleen Bentz, team lead for our Social Team.
Looking for a mid-week dive into God’s Word?
Join us Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm @ Geo Johnz
Looking for a way to dive into our Sunday Scripture readings prior to worship? Join us for Christians Underground on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm at Geo Johnz (203 E 2nd Street). We’ll provide copies of the Scripture readings and all you need to do is show up and be open to the transformative power of the Spirit through God’s Word! Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese.
Recognition of Team Members in Worship
Sunday, February 27
A few weeks ago, we offered a blessing and prayer for our Council leaders. But it’s not just our Council leaders who are making things happen at SOTC! Our teams are working hard! To honor our teams, bless them, and offer a prayer, we will be recognizing members of our Shepherding Teams during worship on Sunday, February 27. Team members: simply come to worship and follow instructions during the closing announcements. Thank you, team members, and all Shepherds, for the ways you contribute to the ministry of Jesus Christ through this congregation!
Panda Express Fundraiser
March 6 and April 10
Looking to support our youth and eat some good food at the same time? This opportunity is for you! Mark your calendars for March 6 and April 10 as days to eat in/order online from Panda Express. In the coming weeks, we’ll be given a coupon code as a congregation; simply offer that code when you order and SOTC will receive a portion of each meal sold. Thanks for your support!
Summer Camp Registration at EWALU
If you have a child in grades 1-12, consider spending a day, half-week or week at Camp EWALU this summer! Early bird registration (deducting $40 from your registration cost) goes through March 1. Check out EWALU’s website for a full list of camp opportunities!
Do note that we are looking into a confirmation camp opportunity for middle school (grades 6-8) youth this summer. If interested, contact Pastor Aleese.
For all youth: our Ed Team has agreed to offer a scholarship to youth attending camp. Total donation TBD, but know we are supporting you!