Family Faith Night ROCK-Stars at Work!
Our Family Faith Night Crew rocked their service night last Wednesday! Our service project was to unearth and move three layers of limestone rock from around the garden bed at the entrance of Discovery Park. The garden, established 20 years ago, is being revamped this summer and needed the stone removed. Our crew showed up with muscle and smiles to get the job done! Thanks for doing God’s work with your hands!

High School Graduate Recognition Sunday
Sunday, May 7
Can you believe it? We’re inching up on the end of another school year! Though graduation for many of our seniors at Shepherd is still a month away, we are going to celebrate them earlier in May. This year we’ll be honoring Brynn Eichelberger (MCSD), Jake Walton (Wilton), and Noah Jorgensen (Rockridge).
Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing during worship, offer gifts on behalf of the congregation, and offer our congrats during fellowship!
Growing and Going Initiative
Can you help us keep growing in Christ and going in mission?
To supplement our general offerings, we are beginning an initiative for congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”
To start us off, some of our expenses that need sponsoring are the following:
- Freers and Sons (snow removal and salt) – $200
- Communion wine – $15
- Christ in Our Home Devotionals – $25
- MPW Utilities – $300
- Internet Service for a month – $85
If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office.

Last GOLF Night for the School Year!
Sunday, April 30
Mark your calendars now for our last Generations of Living Faith Night of the school year! Based on family schedules and spring events, our final night will be on April 30. All are invited! More information about our focus for the night forthcoming.
Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine
Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm
Mark your calendars for a day of worship, inspirational speakers and music, an opportunity to learn about ministries across the synod, and a chance to network with others in our synod!
Click here for more information, updates are posted often!
This event is FREE of charged and intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages. Bring your friends, neighbors, family, or anyone and watch what God does!
If you are interested, talk to Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool!
Ride with the Bishops in RAGBRAI!
July 2023
The three bishops of Iowa (Western Iowa, Northeastern Iowa, and Southeastern Iowa) have decided to ride in this year’s RAGBRAI to raise funds for ELCA World Hunger. Want to participate? Consider these options:
1. Ride the route! Ride the whole route or just a day or two. Register at and join team “ELCA BISHOPS AGAINST HUNGER”.
2. If you’d like more information about the possibility of helping serve a meal for the bishop’s team, providing a snack, or hosting individuals on the team, contact Pastor Aleese.
3. Want more information? Sign up for updates from the synod through this form.