Welcome to Our Flock, Josie Mae!
This past Sunday we had the privilege of welcoming Josie into our community through the sacrament of baptism! Josie, you are a beloved child of God, marked with the cross of Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit! Welcome to the mission we all share as disciples of Jesus!

Faith Formation in our Kids and Families!
In the past week we’ve hosted various opportunities for our children, youth, and families to learn more about the Bible, about the sacraments, and about their faith!
Last Wednesday our middle school group that meets during Family Faith Night learned about the book of Exodus. Below you see two of our middle schoolers: one holding their interpretation of the ark of the covenant, and one working on their rendition of the 10 Commandments.
Then, on Sunday evening, we had 5 families join Pastor Aleese to learn about the sacraments, and specifically the promise of baptism. Below you see two of our leaders leading a science experiment to point to the promise that God forgives our sin. Even our adults had a bit of time for conversation themselves during the evening, diving deeper into questions about what baptism is really all about.
Keep your eyes open for more GOLF opportunities and Lenten formational groups coming your way soon!

Shepherding Team Sign Up – 2023
Sign Up through Sunday, February 5
We are all one body in this mosaic of SOTC! Feeling called to serve on one of our Shepherding Teams this year? Click here to be taken to an online sign up, or sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex.
Even if you are currently on a team, please re-sign up. If you are currently on a team but would no longer like to be on that team, simply do not sign up. As a courtesy, reach out to either Pastor Aleese or your team lead to indicate your desire not to continue so we do not follow up with you.
Thanks for your contributions as a part of our faith community!
Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 29 following worship
It’s this weekend! Be sure to stick around after worship to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC! Materials for the meeting, and our annual report, are linked below.
Proposed SOTC Constitutional Amendments
Proposed Audit Committee Amendment
After our meeting, our Social Team is coordinating a special fellowship complete with breakfast casseroles, fruit and muffins. It’s like an Easter Breakfast in January! Stick around to share your stories of life at SOTC in the past year.
SOTC Game Night
Saturday, February 4, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Grab your favorite game and bring yourself and your family for a night of fellowship! Bring an appetizer to share for a light meal together.
Contributions for Joel Christensen
Through Sunday, Feb 5
To show our appreciation to Joel for all his help in keeping the SOTC lawn looking beautiful during the growing season, we are collecting monetary donations for a gift card. The plan is to send him “some love” for Valentines Day.
Women’s Group
Saturday, February 11 @ 8:30am
During January, our women took a month hiatus from our monthly Bible Study as we celebrated the feast of Epiphany. Join us again in February as we begin our study of the 10 Commandments and what they have to tell us as followers of Jesus today. All women – members and friends! – welcome to join us!
Chocolate Fest!
Sunday, February 19
Following SOTC tradition, we will feast on chocolate the Sunday before Lent begins! ALL are invited to bring a chocolate delicacy to share during fellowship. Mark your calendars, and start looking up those gooey chocolate recipes!