Advent 1 is in the books!
Thanks to those who helped us kick off our Advent season at Shepherd! To embody our “Generation to Generation” theme, our younger Shepherds helped light our Advent wreath and added some pieces to the nativity scene (complete by Christmas Eve!) As we closed worship, as a church family we decorated our Christmas tree…completing our décor in record time! As you go into this week, may you trust that there is room for you in God’s story of grace, and may you seek to listen to, and include, the stories of those around you!

LSI Angel Tree
Return Gifts by the End of this Week! Friday, December 2
Reminder: if you signed up to support a child through the LSI Angel Tree, gifts (unwrapped) are due back this week! Gifts for each child are to be an educational toy and a book. It is suggested that $25-$30 be spent on each child. Thank you!
Advent Giving Challenge
Last Chance to Give this Sunday, December 4
Can you help us reach our goal? For every dollar that the congregation contributes, we’ll match it with a dollar from the children’s Sunday School/Kids Sermon fund. We’re hoping to contribute $600 toward ELCA Good Gifts and postage for holiday cards. Write a check or put aside some cash NOW to bring with you on Sunday!
Add Your “Generations” Picture!
To embody the truth that it’s not just characters of times’ past that are a part of God’s story, we’re asking the congregation to bring in a picture that showcases generations in your family. It might be a picture with multiple generations present, or it might be a picture of a family member from several generations past. Either way, bring those pictures to church or email them to Kathy, and post them on our bulletin board. As the season progresses, watch for how our stories interweave with the story of Christ!
Christmas Poinsettias
Order by Sunday, December 11
Are you willing to help decorate our sanctuary with poinsettias this Christmas? Sign up in the narthex, or contact Kathy in the office, if you’re willing to purchase a plant. Please indicate if the poinsettia is purchased in honor/memory of someone and clearly mark the funds designated for flowers. Envelopes are available in the narthex near the sign up sheet.
SOTC Christmas Party
Sunday, December 18, 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Join us for a night of cookies, skits, carols, crafts, games and fun! We’ll start off the night by sharing with each other some of our favorite Christmas traditions over the generations and then participate in a group, spontaneous live nativity with carols. “Parts” needed for all ages! After our impromptu nativity story, we’ll play some Christmas games and the kids can make their own ornaments to take home with them as they’d desire.
Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share as we gather. If there are some left by the end of the evening, we’ll have a cookie swap.
Christmas Eve Worship
Saturday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm
Gather with us as we make our trek to Bethlehem to adore the Christ child on bended knee. Worship will include holy communion and a candlelight service while singing “Silent Night.”
NOTE: We will not host Christmas Day worship. Stay tuned for details of services at other local congregations.
Kids Choose ELCA Good Gifts Animals
Sunday, December 11
Following worship, our kids (elementary and middle school) are invited to learn more about the ELCA Good Gifts program and help choose what animals we will be purchasing. Mark your calendars to join us!