Soup Fest – Thank you!
What a great night of food, fellowship, and fun! Thank you to all who contributed baked goods, soups, and volunteered time! Because of your work, we served about 175 people and raised $1838 to be donated to Lutheran Chaplaincy Outreach at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics! Thank you for coming together as one in the body of Christ!

Welcome to the Flock, Ainsley!
With joy, Chris and Kirsten Carter are excited to share the news of the birth of their daughter, Ainsley Jo! Ainsley was born on Thursday, November 3. Baby and Mom are doing well!

Proposed 2023 Budget and Congregational Meeting
Sunday, November 20 after worship
Each fall, SOTC sets a budget for the coming year. Our teams and Council have recommended the budget for 2023. Discussion on the budget, as well as a update from our treasurer and stewardship team, will take place during our congregational meeting immediately following worship on Sunday, November 20. Here are the links to the Proposed 2023 Budget, 2023 Budget Addendum, and our Congregational Meeting Agenda. Questions can be addressed to Delene McConnaha, Council president.
Christmas Day Worship Feedback Needed
Complete by Wednesday, November 16
Our Worship and Music Team has begun planning for the upcoming Advent-Christmas season. This year, Christmas Eve falls on Saturday, and Christmas Day falls on Sunday. To plan appropriately for the needs of our community, we are seeking your feedback. Thank you in advance for your help!
Generations of Living Faith (GOLF) Night!
Sunday, November 20 @ 4:00 pm
Looking to learn more about the seasons of the church year and why they’re important? Looking to learn more about the Advent season and why we celebrate it? Or, looking to create your own Advent wreath and/or offer a word of hope through a Christmas card to a child or family in an immigration detention center in the US? If you answered yes to any of the above, join us for a night of learning, fellowship, and service! ALL are welcome!
Advent Giving Challenge
Now through Sunday, November 27
This Advent we are inviting the congregation to consider giving above and beyond their regular giving toward an Advent Giving Fund. Our goal? $300 to go toward two projects:
1) Postage to mail Christmas cards written to children and families detained in immigration detention centers (cards will be written during our Nov 20 GOLF night), and
2) ELCA Good Gifts (a program that offers animals and services to families domestically and abroad to achieve self-sustainability).
For every dollar that is contributed, $1 will be contributed from the Children’s Sunday School/Kids Sermon Fund. It is our goal to have $600 by the end of Advent to contribute toward these vital ministries.
Because greeting cards need to be mailed by the beginning of December, we are collecting offerings through Sunday, November 27. When writing a check, please indicate “Advent Giving Challenge” in the memo line.
Directory Update
As we move into the season of Advent will be updating the SOTC Directory. Doing this will help those looking for contact information to send Christmas greetings to our members. If you have moved, changed your email address, or phone number, please let Kathy know. The new updated Directory will be available soon.
LSI Angel Tree
November 13 – December 2
As has been our custom in previous years, SOTC – along with Grace and Zion – are supporting families in the Lutheran Services of Iowa parenting support group. We will be seeking gifts of an educational toy and a book for 11 children. Tags will be posted on the narthex window by November 13. Gifts (unwrapped) are due back by Friday, December 2 at the latest.
Community Thanksgiving Service
Wednesday, November 23 at 6:00 pm
Wesley United Methodist will be hosting the Muscatine Community Thanksgiving Service at Wesley United Methodist Church (400 Iowa Ave). It will be an informal contemporary service with meditations led by area pastors. A pie reception follows the service. If you would like to provide pies, contact Rev. Brian K. Oliver