Update from Pastor Aleese
Thank you to all who have expressed concern in the recent days after a positive COVID test. Thankfully, symptoms have remained mild. So as to protect others, I will continue to isolate through most of the week. Please see below for updates to any previously scheduled Bible Studies or meetings. Note that I was previously scheduled to be out of Muscatine the week of July 24 leading a high school youth camp in WI. As I am still recovering, I have decided to stay in Muscatine. As of now, I plan to be in worship with you all on July 24 (masked) and on July 31.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach me via email or cell phone. As I feel up to it, I will be doing some work remotely while also striving to take care of myself. Thank you, Shepherds, for your care, your willingness to pitch in, and for your support.
Pastor Aleese
Christians Underground Cancelled This Week
No Bible Study Wednesday, July 20
Because of a varied schedule this week, and because of Pastor Aleese’s absence, Christians Underground is cancelled for this week. Stay tuned for updates for when we will resume. Thank you for understanding
Welcome to the Flock!
We’re so excited to announce that Josie Mae Bartling was born on July 12, 2022 to Joe and Takoma Bartling (granddaughter to Kim and Judy Bartling). She was born at a healthy 6 lbs. 4 oz. 19 inches long. Mom, baby, and family are all doing well! We look forward to meeting her in person!
…We Can Trust God’s Promises!
Last Sunday through Thursday, we had close to 50 kids join us for Vacation Bible School as they learned about how “we can trust God’s promises.” Each day as we learned different Bible stories, we heard stories of how others trusted God’s promises, and were encouraged to go forth sharing the news that even we can trust God’s promises, too! Imagine 50 kids (plus about 30 other adults) shouting “We can trust God’s promises!” and you’ll get a sense of what our week was like! Check out the pictures below and look for more on our Facebook page and Instagram account. Thank you SO much to all our SOTC helpers!

Mark Your Calendars for Family Faith Nights!
Starting Wednesday, September 7
For the past few weeks, we’ve been highlighting the upcoming adult groups forming this fall. But, we’re looking forward to creating space not only for adults, but for entire families to come together again this year!
Similar to last school year, SOTC will be collaborating with Zion and Grace starting in September. Our first official Family Faith Night will be Wed, September 7. Keep your eyes out for an announcement for a special kick-off to get us going!
Take a listen to Pastor Willie as he invites families from our congregations, along with those in the community, to participate wit us this year.
Women’s Group
Sat, August 13 @ 8:30pm
Join women of the congregation as we continue through our summer series. Haven’t made it yet this summer? Not a problem, all are welcome for a time of fellowship, prayer and study. Stay tune for more details of what we will be looking at!
SOTC Camp Out
Sat, Aug 27 – Sun, Aug 28
It’s back! After being on hiatus for a few years, we’re returning to school with a camp out on our back lawn.
Join us either for just the evening, or for the entire night.