Outdoor Worship, Ice Cream Social Fundraiser, Family Night…Oh My!
Sunday, July 17
Join us for worship, ice cream, fellowship, service to our community, and family fun!
- Outdoor worship, 9:00 am | You bring a lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest!
- Ice Cream Social Fundraiser | Stick around after worship for a sweet treat. Consider offering a special offering as our fundraiser will be given toward the Diversity Services Center of Iowa, an organization highlighted by our Stewardship Team in May.
- Family Night, 6:00 pm | Young adults and families with high school aged and below youth are welcome to join us for a night of fun! In June we gathered outside for a bonfire and had hot dogs and s’mores while playing lawn games. Families – watch for an email from Mackenzie to coordinate our meal.
Looking forward to a great Sunday with you all in various ways!
VBS is off to a great start!
Kids and adults have been gathering at Zion Lutheran since Sunday evening to immerse themselves in the theme “From Generation to Generation.” Through stories like Abraham, Joseph, and David, our kids have been learning that God’s steadfast love endures forever. Check out our Facebook page and Instagram for more updates and pictures! Thanks to all our SOTC helpers!

Considering an Adult Faith Formation Group?
Last week we shared an overview from Andy Christy as he introduced the potential adult groups forming this coming fall. So as to give members of Grace, Zion, and Shepherd a glimpse into what these groups are about, we took some time to interview Tammy Stein from Grace. She was a participant in the Wednesday evening Family Faith Nights last year and participated in the adult group (now named “Sojourners” on the Adult Group menu). Take a listen as she offers her perspective on what the adult group meant to her and her invitation to those considering being a part of a group this coming year.
Interested in joining us? Click here to learn more and access the interest survey link. Reminder, we will have an interest meeting for those interested in adult groups on Sunday, July 17 after worship and our ice cream social.
Willing to Volunteer to Read to Children?
In an effort to close or narrow the achievement gap in literacy, Grace Lutheran offers a literacy program providing free tutoring services to 1st and 2nd grade children from neighboring schools who need support in reading. Looking to the coming school year, Grace is looking for volunteers to read one-on-one with the children from 4:00 – 5:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school year. Volunteers help as often as they like, and schedule can be adjusted as needed. The sole responsibility of the volunteer is to read to children! Volunteers can be 7th graders through 90+. High School students have been able to apply this service to earning a silver cord. If interested, contact Deb Holliday (563-299-2145) or Karen Woods (563-260-58-46) for more details.
SOTC Camp Out
Sat, Aug 27 – Sun, Aug 28
It’s back! After being on hiatus for a few years, we’re returning to school with a camp out on our back lawn. Join us either for just the evening, or for the entire night.