Women’s Epiphany Party
This weekend women from Shepherd (as well as others from our sister Lutheran churches!) gathered for a night of fellowship, laughter, devotion, blessing and prayer. After sharing appetizers and a candle exchange, we contemplated the epiphanies the wise men experienced and shared epiphanies of our own from the past year. We closed the night by offering a blessing for this spiritual house (an Epiphany tradition) for Shepherd to be a space where Christ is revealed to us, and to those in our community, in the coming year.

SOTC Annual Report and Meeting
This past Sunday we distributed our annual report to the congregation. For a digital copy, and to see what we’ve been up to in Christ’s name this year, click here!
Annual meeting will follow worship on January 26. Agenda for our meeting is included in the annual report. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese, Kathy, or Delene.
Community Diaper Bank Drive
Through the holidays, the Community Diaper Bank’s supply of diapers to distribute to families in the community has dwindled. To help, SOTC is hosting a drive through February. Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! Challenge yourself to donate a box a month, or, a box a week!
Church Volunteer and Team Sign Up
Would you be willing to serve in worship? Or, help serve treats on Sunday mornings? Or, serve on a team? All – members and non-members – are welcome to serve as a part of our Shepherd flock. See a complete list of opportunities and teams on the bulletin board in the narthex and via the links above. Sign up at church or online. Sign up will continue through January; those indicating interest will be contacted in early February.
Give for LA Fire Relief
If you’re looking for a way to respond to the wildfires across California, consider giging through Lutheran World Relief (LWR) where 100% of donations go toward immediate relief. LWR already has a team preparing a response. The destruction and need are overwhelming and only getting worse. Thank you for being someone who goes above and beyond to help!
Shepherds Kids Day!
Monday, January 20
Our elementary aged kids will be gathering for another Shepherds Kids Day on Monday, January 20. We’ll gather from 9:00 – 11:00 am. Parents should have received a message from Pastor Aleese. If you didn’t get a message, or are interested in joining, contact Pastor Aleese.
Christian Day Camp Summer 2025
It might seem like an eon away, but already many programs are asking families for registration. As you’re registering for other events, make sure to keep Christian Day Camp dates blocked off! We’re sponsoring two weeks of elementary camp (two sessions; kids can attend one week), one middle school week, and a series of preschool nights. For more information, contact Pastor Aleese.
Elementary: June 10-13 or 17-20
Middle School: June 24-27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23