Congregational Budget Meeting
Sunday, November 21
A proposed 2022 budget, along with a narrative addendum was shared with the congregation last Sunday, and was also emailed the following Monday. Meeting for discussion and approval of budget will be held on November 21 following worship.
Baptism of Ethan Lamb
This Sunday we had the honor or glimpsing a part of God’s Kingdom at work in the baptism of Ethan Lamb! We welcome you, Ethan, into the body of Christ and the mission we share in bearing God’s creative and redeeming Word to all the world! Please continue to uphold Ethan and his parents in prayer as he grows in faith and love!

Advent is right around the corner!
Advent begins Sunday, November 28
There’s something special about “coming home.” For some, coming home is returning to family, or childhood homes. For others, coming home is less about a place, and more about the people you’re with.
This Advent, we’re focusing on the theme “Close to Home.” Ultimately, God is our home and resting place. As we prepare for Jesus’ birth, we’ll remember God’s promise that He draws near and makes a home on earth with us. In order to dwell in this theme, you’ll note some shifts in our worship space and in our order of worship. Our goal is to create an environment that is intimate, close, relaxed, and casual.
For more information about all things Advent, check out Stay tuned for ways you can participate with us as we prepare to welcome our Lord Emmanuel among us.
Ringers Needed for Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign
Each year, Salvation Army recruits ringers to encourage giving at HyVee, Fareway, Wal-Mart, and Blaine’s Farm and Fleet. Ringing begins Friday, November 19. If you would like to sign up to assist, go to Register to Ring and complete your individual registration. Looking to ring with other Shepherds? Check with others and sign up together! Though we are not officially facilitating a specific time we are ringing together, members are more than welcome to coordinate together. Thanks for supporting local initiatives in our community!
Christmas Poinsettias
By Sunday, Dec. 5
Can you help us decorate the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas? We will be purchasing white poinsettias using funds collected last year for Christmas décor. These poinsettias will be used through Advent and Christmas. However, we’d also like to supplement with some red poinsettias for our celebration of Christmas. Can you help us?
If so, a sign up sheet is in the narthex. There is also room to indicate if you would like your poinsettia purchased in honor/memory of someone. Cost for poinsettias is $12. Not at the church, but want to get your name on the list? Contact Kathy.
Community Thanksgiving Service
Wednesday, November 24
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Join area churches in a Thanksgiving Eve worship service. Hosted by Church of the Living Water (3120 Park Ave W). Other participating churches include: Vineyard Church, Jesus Mission, Calvary Church, Wesley UMC, Musserville San Pablo. Pie social will follow worship.
SOTC Christmas Party
Sunday, December 12
6:00 – 7:30 pm
Mark your calendars for a night of games, fellowship and fun! Those who attend are invited to bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share. Games will include some Christmas-inspired activities, along with other generic games suited for children and adults of all ages. More information to come soon. We hope to see you as we celebrate together!