Ice Cream Social
THIS Sunday, July 14 during fellowship
It’s summer, so why not have a lil’ extra ice cream! Be sure to join us for a special fellowship hour where we have Sundaes on Sunday!
Preschoolers Following God’s Light!
You’ve probably heard about our elementary and middle school Christian Day Camps by now. But we’ve also been hangin’ out with an incredible crew of preschoolers and their families! Last Monday we learned about the story of God’s promise with Abraham while also canoeing, making God’s eye crafts, playing with water, and going in the Star Lab! Check in with the Vircks’ family who’ve been participating with us to see what their experience has been like!

Christmas in August Event
Sunday, August 4, 5:30pm
Sign up by July 14 if interested
Often Christmas comes and goes so quickly in December and with so many things to do, we miss out on some of the extra fun! Sometimes, “Christmas in July” events are hosted as a “half-birthday” for Jesus. Because of family schedules, we won’t quite make it in July, but we will still celebrate!
ALL – families, adults, kids – are invited to join us for a night of fun, fellowship, and intergenerational learning. This event is also open to our fellow Muscatine ELCA conregations. To help plan activities, please sign up by July 14 if you’d like to join us!
Night Out at the River Bandits
Saturday, August 10, 6:00pm (Gametime)
Carpool from SOTC @ 5:00pm
Sign up by July 28 if interested
We’re looking to have a ball at the ballpark with our Shepherds and also others from our local Muscatine ELCA congregations! Tickets are $13 each. We will likely have a box area where we can mingle together. Ticket price does not include a food/drink voucher.
To order your tickets, email the church office or sign up in the narthex. Payment is due at the time you sign up.
We will carpool from Shepherd at 5:00pm. Others are welcome to join us at Modern Woodman Park as is helpful. Tickets will be picked up as a group. Looking forward to a night of fellowship!
Bailey Booth Confirmation
Sunday, July 28
After two years of participation in the middle school faith formation group, Bailey would like to publicly confess her faith and affirm the promises God made to her in the sacrament of baptism! To celebrate this milestone, we’ll honor her during worship and have a special time of fellowship after worship. Be sure to join Bailey as we support her on her walk of faith!
Toys Needed for Youth Room
Have some old kids’ toys underneath the stairs or in a closet that you don’t use anymore? We’re looking for some gently used kids toys (and furniture) to keep in the youth room for toddlers and lower elementary kids. We’re looking specifically for the following, but if you have something else in mind, talk to Jamie Vircks or Pastor Aleese. We’ll likely be able to use it!
Baby dolls
Small bookshelf
Building toys (legos, lincoln logs)
Younger puzzles (big pieces)