Synod Assembly Recap
Over the weekend, Leslie, Connie, and Pastor Aleese attended the Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly under the theme “Listen, God is Calling.” Together, they immersed themselves in worship, education, conversation and the business of the church. Assembly worship, and a concert on Friday evening, was put on by Jon Ailabouni (trumpeter, composer, educator from LaCrosse, WI) along with various Iowa City musicians.
During worship, Shepherd of the Cross contributed $315 toward supporting leaders in the church. Thank you for supporting leaders in the whole church as we work together to further the mission of Christ!
Leslie and Connie will be giving a brief report of thier experience during worship on Sunday, June 2. Throughout the year, they’ll continue to share more, and dive deeper into the conversations and resolutions passed by the assembly. Feel free to reach out to our amazing representatives to hear more about our connection with the greater church!

Welcome Baby Carter!
With joy, Kirsten and Chris Carter have welcomed Adley James into the world! Adley, mom, and family are all doing well as they adjust to being a family of 4!

Recognition of Owen Christy, MHS Graduate
Sunday, May 26
‘Tis the season for high school and college graduations, and this spring we have the privilege of honoring Owen Christy as he graduates from Muscatine High School. To honor him, we will offer prayer for him during worship on Sunday, May 26 and will have time for fellowship after worship. If you have a card for Owen, we will have a basket in the narthex on May 26. Thanks for supporting our young adults!
Farewell and Godspeed to Roger Luft
Sunday, June 2
Roger will soon be moving to Arizona, and we want to thank him for his partnership with us at Shepherd as well as send him off with prayer and blessing. Be sure to join us in worship on Sunday, June 2 as we offer prayer for him on his coming adventures!
Christian Day Camp Breakfast
Thursday, June 27 @ 7:30am @ Saulsbury Bridge
Shepherd of the Cross is partnering with New Era Lutheran Church to provide and serve breakfast to the Christian Day Camp middle school youth on Thursday, June 27, at the Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area lodge. We are in need of a couple volunteers to help with the set-up, serving, and clean-up
from 7:30-9:00am. SOTC will be providing sausage links, bananas, mandarin oranges/cuties, napkins and disposable cups, for 60 youth and adults.
If you’re available to help serve and/or would like to donate items for the meal, please reach out to Joanne Drinkall at, (563-299-8157).
Hymn Festival at Wesley
Thursday, June 6 @ 7:30pm @ Wesley United Methodist
There will be a Hymn Festival happening at Wesley United Methodist Church on Thursday, June 6, at 7:30pm. This event is free and open to the public. Dr. David Cherwien, a Lutheran church musician from Minneapolis, will lead the festival. Some of our Shepherds will be participating, so you won’t want to miss it!
Supper at the Lighthouse
Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm
Our Social Team is looking to the summer and has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).
Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us.
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 23 after worship
Though not typical to have a mid-summer congregational meeting, our Council has several items they would like to share with the congregation. Items for discussion will be constitutional changes pertaining to the role of treasurer to match our current practice and vote on a cell tower lease contract. More information about these items, along with any other agenda items, will be shared with the congregation no later than Sunday, June 9. Immediate questions can be directed to Council members.