Trunk or Treat SUCCESS!
Thanks to all those who helped coordinate Trunk or Treat, and thanks to all those who attended! It was a smashing success and many, many people noted how grateful they were that this event happened! Thanks for your witness to the greater community of Muscatine, Shepherds!

Youth Confirm their Faith
This past Sunday, Zach, Ava, Raen, Violet, and Kinsey publicly confessed thier faith in the Triune God and affirmed the promises made in baptism! What an honor it was to celebrate them as they mark this milestone on thier journey of faith! Please continue to pray for them as they continue as faithful followers of Jesus Christ!

Thank you for your contributions!
Thanks to your help, we raised $3500.00 toward our Sharing the Good News Campaign! Thank you for supporting the mission of Jesus through this congregation!
Congregational Budget Meeting
Saturday, November 21
Last Tuesday, our Council approved a draft of our SOTC 2022 budget for review by the congregation. That budget, along with a narrative explaining significant changes, will be distributed to the congregation on November 7. Meeting for discussion and approval of budget will be held on November 21 following worship.
Women’s Group
Saturday, November 13, 8:30 am
This month our Women’s Group is finishing up their 3-month study on the Holy Spirit. Haven’t been able to join us yet this fall? No problem! Feel free to join us for fellowship, study, and prayer. Check out the link to take a peek at what we’ll be looking at together.