Spring Clean Up Day
Saturday, March 16 starting @ 9:00 am
Our Property Team has some outside tasks to complete and would like your help! Primary tasks are to trim bushes and re-mulch our landscaping. Simply come ready to help! ALL ages welcome. For information about materials/supplies needed, contact Nick Gilbert or Kori Jorgensen.
Cell Tower Proposal Roundtable Discussions with Council
Sundays, March 17 immediately following worship
This past Sunday, Council offered information about a proposal for a cell tower company to lease a portion of our land. If you missed having a chance to learn more and have conversation about this opportunity, join us this coming Sunday after worship. Unable to attend but would still like to offer your feedback? Talk to a Council member (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Erin Jorgensen, Linda Adams, Kathy Dunham, Melissa Booth, Connie Hoekstra, Joanne Drinkall.)
Help us Prepare for Easter
Easter Egg Candy and Easter Flowers
Help us prepare for Easter in two ways!
1. Bring candy to fill eggs for our Egg Hunt on Easter morning (8:30 am). Candy must be wrapped. Bring to church by Sunday, March 24.
2. Sign up to sponsor Easter flowers in our sanctuary. In contrast to previous years, your donation will not equate to one plant. The change is so we can purchase higher quality plants to last throughout the season. Number of plants purchased will be base on total donations. Cost is still $10. Sign up by commenting below or in the church office. Pay in person at church or via Tithe.ly.
Thanks for your help as we prepare for the news of Christ’s life given for us!
Christian Day Camp Registration is NOW OPEN!
Elementary – June 11 – 14; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Middle School – June 25 – 27; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Preschool Nights – June 17, July 1, July 15; 5:30 – 7:30 pm
We’re getting quite a few registrations for Christian Day Camp and we’re looking toward a great summer! How can you take part? Three ways:
- Register your child(ren) – if you have kids ages 3 – completing 8th grade, sign up now! Go to our camp website to get more information, to register, and to pay registration fees.
- Share the word with friends, family, co-workers – share the flyers linked below with those who may be interested in attending.
- Volunteer – if you are willing to help make this summer of Christian Day Camp another success, we need volunteers! Go to our website and scroll to the bottom of sign up as one of our amazing volunteers!
Questions? Contact Christian Day Camp leaders and we’ll get back to you! If you’re willing to share flyers with those you know/at your work, click the age group to download and share! Elementary, Middle School, Preschool.
Giving during the Season of Lent
Support Organizations on Wednesdays and Sundays
We’re in our last two weeks of giving to contribute to local organizations doing God’s Work with their hands in our community! Bring your donations either directly to the Wesley Family Life Center on Wednesday evenings, or bring your donations to church the Sunday before and place it in the appropriate box in the narthex. Thanks for your help!
March 13 – MCSA
Donations – socks and underwear (adults and kids)
March 20- Community Diaper Bank
Donations – size 4-7 diapers (all sizes welcome, sizes 4-7 most needed)
Looking ahead to Holy Week

Chili Cook Off at Grace
Sunday, March 24, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
In collaboration with our local churches, we want to share with you a event coming up at Grace later in March! Mark your calendars to attend to taste some awesome chili, or sign up to bring your award-winning batch! Scan the QR code to sign up or call Grace at the number listed. Thanks for your support of ministries in our community!

Good Friday Communion Instruction for Kids
Friday, March 29, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
We’re excited to offer a special time for our kids 5th grade and under to learn about the sacrament of communion! If you have a child, or someone you know, who’d like to participate, and have not already contacted Pastor Aleese, please do so!
All are welcome!