Engaging in God’s Covenant to Us
This past weekend we had some fun in worship! We learned about God’s covenant with all of creation (the rainbow) and as we learned that God is closer than it may appear – in Jesus’ baptism, in the widlerness, and as Jesus began proclaiming that the Kingdom of God was at hand. As you go into the week, keep alert for where God is breaking into your life and into our world; keep alert for how and where God is offering provision – even in the midst of seemingly the desert; and keep alert for God’s Kingdom that is among us and that we are being invited to become co-workers within. And make sure to join us for worship next weekend (and this coming Wed for Lenten Midweek Gatherings!) as we make our journey through this sacred season of Lent.

Crosses during the Season of Lent
On Sunday, Barb Swanson brought crosses that her husband, Mel, made to church as an offering to the congregation for the season of Lent. These crosses are made of nails with colored wiring added. Barb is not requesting money for the crosses; instead, she requests that people offer a donation to SOTC.
Based on the response this past weekend, and knowing that some people were gone from worship, Barb will bring the crosses back this coming Sunday, February 25. Consider purchasing one as a cross to wear or keep with you during the season of Lent!
Susan Clark Junior High Musical – Junie B. Jones Jr.
February 23 & 24 @ 7pm
February 24 and 25 @ 2pm
Support our own Elyse Eichelberger in the Susan Clark Junior HIgh Musical! Tickets are $7 online and $10 at the door. Get your tickets fast as there are only 100 seats available for each performance. Performance is at the MCC Little Theater (152 Colorado Street).
Lent Midweek Gatherings
Wednesday, February 21 – March 20,
5:30 – 7:00 pm Hosted at Wesley Family Life Center (114 W 7th Street)
It’s tomorrow night! We’ll gather at the Wesley Family Life Center from 5:30-7 (meal included!). Together we’ll eat, hear Scripture, discuss questions in groups, have an intergenerational activity, and pray. Throughout the season, we’ll reflect on the treasures that matter to us, why we store treasures, and the power these treasures have in our lives.
To help us accurately plan, RSVP using this link or in the narthex if you’re planning on joining us! Even if you don’t RSVP, you’re welcome to drop in!
Lent Opportunities at Grace and Zion
We’re mindful that each of us are on our own distinct spiritual journeys and therefore may need different opportunities to nurture our lives of faith. If participating in the Lenten Midweek Gatherings isn’t what you’re looking for, consider joining in what Grace or Zion are doing this Lent.
Grace – Worship on Wednesdays @ 6:00pm (starting February 21)
Midweek worship will be a series on Christian community. No meal served.
Zion – Worship on Wednesdays @ 5:30pm (starting February 21) with meal to follow
Midweek worship will be a series on Holy Lament using Holden Evening Prayer. Meal will follow worship.
Giving during the Season of Lent
Support Organizations on Wednesdays and Sundays
Each week for our Lenten Midweek Gatherings we will welcome a leader of a community organization to share about thier organization’s work and how we can be partners with them. To support these organizations, each Wednesday we will encourage participants to bring a donation as a part of thier Lenten discipline to share thier treasures with others. See the list below to get a glimpse who who we’re supporting and the donations needed.
Not able to join us on Wednesday evenings? Bring your donation the Sunday before to church and place it in the appropriate box in the narthex. We’ll make sure your donation makes it to the Wesley Family Life Center.
February 28 – Senior Resources
Donations – Hygiene items (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deoderant, Kleenex, laundry detergent)
March 6 – Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Donations – twin bed sheets and pillows
March 13 – MCSA
Donations – socks and underwear (adults and kids)
March 20- Community Diaper Bank
Donations – size 4-7 diapers (all sizes welcome, sizes 4-7 most needed)
Worship Volunteers
Our life together takes many hands…especially in worship! If you’re willing to serve as a worship volunteer (reader, usher, song leader, etc.) or as a counter, sign up online or in the narthex. Even if you are currently serving in one of these volunteer roles, please re-sign up to indicate your continued willingness to serve. Thank you in advance!
Holy Week Schedule
Though we are just starting our Lenten journey, take note of Holy Week services on your calendar. Also note that we will not have a formal Easter breakfast this year, but we will still have a time for fellowship before worship and we will still have an egg hunt for the kids!
Palm Sunday Worship:
March 24 – 9:00 am
Maundy Thursday Worship:
March 28 – 7:00p pm
Good Friday Worship:
March 29 – 7:00 pm
Easter Sunday Fellowship:
March 31 – 8:00 – 8:45am
Easter Egg Hunt:
March 31 – 8:30 am
Easter Sunday Worship:
March 31 – 9:00 am
Good Friday Day with the Kids!
Our Education Team has been working on an event for our kids on Good Friday to learn more about Christ’s passion and the sacrament of holy communion. More details forthcoming. Save the day to spend time at church with Pastor Aleese and others!