GIFT Retreat at Camp EWALU
Our GIFT (Growing in Faith Together, our middle school group) youth and leaders went away on retreat to Camp EWALU this past Friday-Saturday. Together, they explored what is grace and faith are all about and why it all matters. Ask youth and adults who participated (Blaine, Melissa and Bailey Booth) what they took away from the weekend and continue to uplift them in prayer as they join others who weren’t able to join us for the rest of the Family Faith Night year!

Godspell Dinner Theater
Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 1
New Era Dinner Theater presents GODSPELL, featuring our very own Delene McConnaha! The musical tells the story of Jesus using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and a hefty dose of comic timing. With an eclectic blend of songs, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville, the story of Jesus’ life dances across the stage.
If you’re interested in attending, email the church office to go with your fellow Shepherds! We are coordinating groups to go and enjoy the evening together as a fellowship activity. If you’re going with us as a group, sign up by Wed, September 13 and submit your money/check to the main office. Checks made out to Shepherd of the Cross.
Dates and Times
Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30 – 6:00 pm
Sunday, October 1 – 4:00 pm.
Adults – $30
Children (thru age 12) $20.
Dinner Menu
Tossed Salad, Grilled Chicken, Parsley Potatoes, New Era Green Beans, Roll, Beverage, and a Pumpkin Bar.
God’s Work Our Hands Service Project
Following worship, Sunday, September 17
After celebrating the ELCA’s observance of God’s Work Our Hands in worship this past Sunday, we’re looking forward to putting our hands to work during the fellowship hour this coming Sunday! Together, we’ll compile Compassion Kits – consisting of everyday necessities to distribute to those in need in our community. Come and make your kit to take with you as you do God’s work with your hands!
September Diaper Drive
Through Wednesday, September 27
This month for Family Faith Nights, in conjunction with our September service project, we are collecting diapers for the Muscatine Community Diaper Bank. The bank is in need of especially sizes 1, 2 and 7.
Bring donations either to Grace when you come to Family Faith Nights, OR to Shepherd whenever you find yourself at church! We’ll make sure all donations get to Grace by Wed, September 27 to package as a part of our service night. Questions? Contact Leslie Eichelberger.
This year will be 52 years the Muscatine community has walked to raise funds to feed the hungry in our area. All funds collected will go to Church World Service to alleviate hunger in Muscatine and around the world. Interested in helping? Consider one of these three options. For more questions, contact Judy Brotherton.
Participate in the CROP Walk
Sunday, October 1 @ 2:00 pm
Sponsor envelopes are available at Wesley United Methodist Church, 400 Iowa Ave. weekdays between 8:30 am – 1:00 pm.
Attend the Applebee’s Fundraiser
October 10, 11:00 am – 11:00 pm
When you order from the special Together We Care menu, 50% of the food sales will support the Muscatine CROP Walk.
Donate Online
Donate individually online for your contribution to go toward the total raised in Muscatine.
Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm
Trunk or Treat is back for another year! Once again, we’re collaborating with Grace and Zion for a night of fun and fellowship for those within our congregations and those within the greater Muscatine community!
Here’s how you can participate:
- Host a trunk – sign up sheet forthcoming.
- Contribute to our stash of extra candy starting October 1.
- Promote and attend the event! Online and paper flyers will be available soon.
You’ve Heard It Said…
October Stewardship Emphasis
It’s likely you’ve heard many things said about stewardship. But how many of those things are true? And how many of those things are grounded in Scripture?
This October, we’re going to unpack what Scripture (and Jesus) have to say about stewardship (and money), and we’re going to unpack church traditions when it comes to stewardship. More information about how you can be involved (even outside of worship) will be shared in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!