River Bandits Fellowship
It was a great night at the ballpark last night for a River Bandits game. Great fun and fellowship…and the Bandits even won in extra innings! Thanks to those who helped coordinate and thanks to those who joined us.

A Celebration of Faith
Confirmation of Elyse Eichelberger
On Sunday Elyse Eichelberger shared her faith statement with the congregation as a part of her confirmation/affirmation of baptism. We rejoice with Elyse as she takes this step on her faith journey, and we continue to walk along side her as fellow followers of Jesus living out our faith!

Blessing of Backpacks and Distribution of Bibles
Sunday, August 27
We’re sending our kids, and adults, back into the school year routine with a blessing! Bring your school backpack (or your work bag) to worship on Sunday, August 27 and we’ll have a special blessing during the kid’s sermon. Kids/youth who are three years old, entering 3rd grade, and entering our middle school/confirmation program will also receive Bibles.
Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI Ride for Hunger Update
The Bishops’ RAGBRAI Team completed an awesome week biking across the state. Supported by the hospitality and generosity of SOTC and New Era, along with congregations across the state, the current team total is $63,273.
The three synods will continue adding to the total until September 1, so it’s not too late to join the cause! Be on the lookout for highlights of 50 ministries fighting hunger across Iowa along with photos and videos from the ride in the coming weeks.

Are you a Thrivent Member?
As we look to the Family Faith Night year, we are aiming to secure funding so that meals are either free, or at low cost, to our families. To make that happen, we are hoping to rely on Thrivent grants through action teams.
If you are a Thrivent member and have grants remaining for the year, contact Stacey Ramos (Zion) via email or cell phone (563-571-0363) for more specific instructions. She can help you through the process. Thank you in advance!
Elementary Teachers Needed
With Family Faith Nights approaching soon we are looking for teachers to help guide our kiddos. We will need two adults each night. Click here to sign up for the dates that work best for you.
Even if you are signed up or interested in being a part of the Big Questions adult group, we encourage you to consider serving our kids on a periodic basis. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese.
Muscatine Youth, Children’s, and Littlest Angels’ Choirs Starting Soon!
Do you have a child in kindergarten through 12th grade that loves to sing and is looking for more opportunities to shine? Consider being a part of the Muscatine Youth choirs through Wesley United Methodist Church under the direction of Dan Laavig and/or Sally Potter. See below for age-specific choirs:
Muscatine Youth Choir, 6th-12th grade
The choir rehearses on Sundays (starting August 27) from 3:30-4:45 pm. Main performances are December 10 @ 2:30 pm and May 12 @ 4:00 pm, with additional singing opportunities expected.
Muscatine Children’s Choir, 3rd-8th grade
The choir rehearses on Monday (starting September 11) from 4:00-4:45 pm. The choir’s main performances will be December 10 @ 2:30 pm and May 12 @ 4:00 pm, with additional singing opportunities expected.
Muscatine Littlest Angels’ Choir, K-2nd grade
The choir also rehearses on Monday (starting September 11) from 4:00-4:45 pm. The main performances will be December 10 @ 2:30 pm and May 12 @ 4:00 pm.
For more information, see the full flyer and register online.
Lutheran Disaster Response to Maui Fires
The significant loss of life and damage caused by the wildfires in Hawaii have turned our prayers and attention to mourning those lost, supporting the survivors and how Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) can assist with recovery.
If you’re looking for a way to offer support, consider giving through LDR. LDR is coordinating with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction.
God’s Work Our Hands Day of Service
Sunday, September 10
God’s Work Our Hands is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA—one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor.
To join the whole church, SOTC will be participating in a service project (likely with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine). Stay tuned for more information, and if you’d like to help plan what happens, talk with Melissa Booth.
Soup Fest 2023
Sunday, November 5
Though fall is still on the horizon, we’ve already set a date for our Soup Fest.
If you’d like to be a part of the planning and coordination, contact Colleen Bentz. As we get closer to November, we’ll need soup cooks, pie bakers, servers, and a set-up/clean-up crew.
Mark your calendars and start spreading the word.