If you scan through the announcements that follow, you’ll notice a theme: though there are some announcements for things just SOTC is hosting, there are a lot of joint endeavors goin’ on.
- Summer Book Club
- Vacation Bible School for preschoolers
- Christian Day Camp
- Summer GOLF (Generations of Living Faith)
- and even the opportunity to purchase a t-shirt or long-sleeved SOTC shirt has the potential to be worn at a RAGBRAI pie fundraiser, should we accept the invitation to help prepare and serve pie alongside several other local congregations.
Point being: there’s a lot of collaboration going on recently! And that doesn’t even begin to think about opportunities coming up in the fall as kid, youth, and adult groups continue through the joint Family Faith Night program with Grace and Zion.
So why are we doing all this collaborative work? Why can’t we just do our “own thing” at Shepherd?
It’s a valid question. For decades, churches have historically worked independently and focused on thier flock. Which, there’s merit to that. But in the past few years, we’ve recognized the joy of living and serving alongside one another in a way that uplifts the spiritual gifts that we all have to share in the body of Christ. And, we’ve recognized the joy of what can be done when we work together.
But the thing is, the reason we work together isn’t only because it lessens the work load. And we don’t do this work together only because it’s the “good” thing to do, or because it stewards the resources we have. We do this work together, because in doing so, we live out Christ’s prayer for his disciples. And in doing so, we become a witness so that the world might come to believe in the truth of Jesus Christ.
That’s the reason we live as one with each other. Because even when it takes more time, and even when it creates more headaches, we trust Christ’s prayer for his disciples. And we trust that just as Christ prayed for his disciples to be one, so too are we called to be one with each other and one with Christ…all so that we, and all the world, might come to know the love of God.
So this week, I have two challenges for you:
1) Consider how you’re doing at living as one with those around you. What’s causing that to be challenging? And, how might you be called to extend a hand and live as one with someone/a group near you?
2) And, consider joining us in any of the various collaborative opportunities coming up this summer. You might not find your niche in each opportunity. But I can almost guarantee there’s an opportunity coming up that will give you the space to practice living as one with others.