If I were to ask you, what are you pursuing in your life right now?, what would you say?
At various stages of our lives, we likely find ourselves pursuing different things. In young adulthood, we may pursue a degree, a partner, or begin a family. In time, we may pursue a change of job, or we may pursue a healthier lifestyle. We may pursue a passion project, or we may pursue something to help us grow.
Point being: throughout life, we pursue many, many things. And this past week, we heard encouragement from Paul of what to pursue, and what not to pursue. Calling a spade a spade, Paul reminds the Philippians that it is not worth our time to pursue wealth, possessions, status, or even merit-badges. Instead, what is worth our time and our pursuit is 1) to know Christ, and 2) to become like him.
So as you enter into another week, consider for yourself, what is it that you are pursuing in your life right now? Reflect on your pursuit, and consider how it does or doesn’t intersect with your life of faith.
If you’re looking for more questions to reflect on following this past Sunday’s focus, consider the following:
- You may have heard people refer to money or other material possessions as “blessings” from God. Do you agree? What makes this mindset dangerous?
- Is there an aspect of your life you are hesitant to give to Jesus? What do you need to do to submit your whole self to Christ and to your neighbors in humility and service?
For any one of us to fully give ourselves to Christ and to one another would be impossible without the work of the Holy Spirit. But transformed by the Spirit, and led by Christ, we can go forth into our daily lives as stewards: serving one another in humility and servitude.