“Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous works among all the peoples.”
~ Psalm 96: 2-3
On Christmas Eve night, we gathered to adore the birth of Christ our King. But now that we have come, now that we have seen, and now that we have heard the news, now what?
Well, now we have the opportunity, like the shepherds, to “make known what had been told them about this child” (Luke 2:17). How? Using our psalm from Christmas Eve night, we do so by telling of God’s salvation, declaring God’s glory, and witnessing to God’s marvelous works.
But again, how? What does this look like? Well, think of the shepherds: after the shepherds saw the Christ child, they continued to be shepherds. Their identity didn’t change. But now, they had a different purpose. They had a different reason to travel to new grassy areas, and a different impetus to keep on moving, and growing, and believing.
As we move into the (short!) Christmas season, we – like the shepherds – are summoned forth to tell of what we have seen and experienced in our Lord Jesus Christ. To do so, we don’t need to pursue a career change. Instead, just as the news of Christ’s birth permeated the shepherd’s being, informing their purpose in what they were already doing, we are summoned to allow the news of Christ’s birth infuse our being, informing our purpose in what we are already doing.
Blessings to you all as you bask in the glow of Christ’s light this season, and blessings as you allow the news of our Savior’s birth fill you – to the brim – sending you forth and giving you reason to keep on moving, and growing, and believing.