For my birthday, I had the treat of enjoying homemade pistachio ice cream. It had just the right pistachio flavor, and it was oh so creamy.
Now, when that delightful bowl of goodness was put in front of me, I could’ve scarfed it down. It was so good that I was tempted to! But, I took my time. With little scoops on my spoon, I savored every last ounce of that ice cream.
As I ate that ice cream, it reminded me of the time that we take during worship as we hear God’s Word. Much like I could’ve scarfed down my ice cream, we could bulldoze right from one reading into the next. But to do so wouldn’t allow time to savor what we just heard from God’s Word, and it wouldn’t allow time for us to “chew on” and “digest” the goodness of God’s promises.
So next time you’re in worship, and next time that you crack open your Bible, allow a little time to savor, chew on, and digest the goodness of God’s promises. If pistachio ice cream is worth taking extra time to enjoy, God’s Word is definitely worth taking just a bit extra time.