Throughout the summer, a handful of Shepherds, along with participants from Grace and Zion, have read two books as a part of Book Club: The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis and Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright. Through reading and conversation, we’ve challenged ourselves, and each other, to examine what we believe about life, death, resurrection, and the kingdom of God.
But speaking for myself, examining what I believe about each of these topics hasn’t always been the easiest thing to do. I, like many of us, have grown up within the church for decades. And with that, I come with years of teaching and language that – to this point – has helped me express what I believe about God and about how God acts in the world.
So, to reframe what I think I believe? What I’ve been taught since I was in Sunday School or confirmation? That…isn’t always easy. In fact, it takes courage. And yet, for myself, I’ve discovered that by even considering another perspective, my faith hasn’t been questioned. Rather, my faith has been deepened as I move beyond the pat-answers given to me in Sunday School years and years ago, and as I develop my own, personal, understanding of God at work within me and within the world.
For sure, to engage in this sort of faith development is risky. And yet, without it, our faith may become stagnant. Just as a child is intended to grow and mature – changing physically, emotionally, and socially – so are we to grow and mature spiritually.
So, if you’re looking for a group to wrestle with various perspectives and questions of faith, I invite you to consider joining the Big Questions adult group as a part of Family Faith Nights. We’ll meet weekly, per the Family Faith calendar, from 6:00 – 7:30pm at Grace (meal time included). Through our group work, our hope will be to explore the truths that shape our questions and the beliefs we carry, while also leading each of us to a faith that is more solid and richly personal.
If you want to learn more about this group, click here to get a fuller picture. Or, if you’re ready to sign up as a participant, sign up online or in the narthex. Not able to make it every week? Not a problem. Come as you’re able.
Whether this seems like a good opportunity for you or not, it is my hope that you – as individuals and as a congregation – continue to allow ourselves to dig deep in our faith. We could coast along, satisfied with our faith and our relationship with God where it is right now, at this time. But as we continue to grow, and as we continue to allow the Spirit to mold and shape us, we might find ourselves transformed – in our belief, and as people.