Before you go on a trip, you pack a suitcase with the clothes you’ll need.
Before you go on a hike, you fill a water bottle and grab an energy bar.
And before you enter new territory, you consult a map.
Before setting out on a journey, it isn’t uncommon to prepare. So, why should our journey of Lent be any different?
This coming Sunday, February 19, our GOLF Night (starting at 4:00 pm) will be geared toward helping us “pack our bags” for the season of Lent. Though GOLF has often been geared toward families with kiddos, we’re especially inviting those participating in Midweek Lenten Gatherings to also join us as we begin to consider what we’re seeking this Lent.
The first part of our time will be spent together with adults and kids (we’ll be burning last years’ palms in preparation for Ash Wednesday!) and then we’ll break into appropriate groups. Kids will engage in various activities to learn about what the season of Lent is about and why it matters.
I, along with our Worship and Music Team and Education Team, hope you’ll join us as we begin our journey of seeking this Lent. Though we may not always recognize exactly what we’re seeking, in the journey there is always something more waiting to be discovered.