In June, a group of youth from SOTC, Zion, and Grace went to Camp EWALU for a week. Of many activities, the middle school youth had the opportunity to participate in high ropes course challenges. One – accurately named the “Leap of Faith” – asks participants to climb up a 35-foot tall telephone poll. Then, either from a standing or a sitting position, participants leap to a trapeze that is hung from a hefty branch.
Often, once participants end up on top of the pole, that’s when fear sets in. Which is exactly what happened for two of our youth. On top of the pole, they froze. No matter what any of us were saying on the ground, they couldn’t imagine leaving the top of the pole. For safety reasons, we couldn’t pull either one off the pole. But if they could move just an inch, then we would be able to assist them and give them momentum to fall. In time, both of these brave campers did just that. Sliding an inch forward, and then another, and then another, we gave a little extra pull on the rope and got them safely to the ground.
In many ways, our walk of faith is similar to this challenge. Because, truth be told, to live a life of faith is risky. And, it might be scary at times to consider allowing ourselves to jump into something. But even then, what is asked of us is not to do “everything.” Rather, we are asked to move an inch. And then another inch. And maybe one more inch….trusting that our harness – God – is protecting us from harm, and trusting that those around us will be pulling for us.
So, if you’re facing something that just seems “too big” or “too scary” or “too much to ask” right now, try sliding forward just an inch. Then, as you’re ready, slide forward yet one more inch – trusting that you’ve got people around you encouraging you to complete that which is before you, and trusting that your God will hold you, protect you, and give you all that you need as you move forward in faith.