Remember You Are Dust

Wednesday evening, Lent begins with an invitation to be honest with ourselves and with God. In worship, we’ll recall the ways that we have sinned against God and each other and will receive the mark of ashes – reminding us that we are dust and to dust we shall return.
In some ways, it may seem strange to begin a journey of seeking by admitting our sin, our mortality, our limits, and our failings. When beginning a journey, it’s best to be confident and secure, right?
One would think so. But as we begin this Lenten journey of seeking, we begin by being honest with ourselves, with each other, and with God. Honest about our sin. Honest about our brokenness. Honest about our desires. Honest about our prayer. Honest about our intention. Honest about the questions we carry. Honest about what we seek.
If you haven’t made plans to join us for worship Wednesday evening, February 22 at 7:00pm, I hope you do. Consider this a marked time to “reset” before embarking on a collective journey into Lent. If you’re not able to make it to worship, but would still like to receive the imposition of ashes, please, contact me and I would be happy to meet you at your convivence.
As you prepare for the coming season, Shepherds, receive the first verse of one of our hymns for Ash Wednesday as a blessing:
Bless sojourners and pilgrims who share this winding way;
your hope burns through the terrors, your love sustains the day.
We yearn for holy freedom while often we are bound;
together we are seeking the road where faith is found.
(ELW 326, verse 2)